Modernisation of registers
Modern registers are the basis for offering administrative services digitally for citizens and companies and for making administrative processes more efficient.
The modernisation of registers is one of the biggest projects aimed at bringing the German public administration into the digital age. The goal of register modernisation is to transfer evidence from existing registers throughout Germany and the EU.
Interconnected registers allow the once-only principle to be implemented. Citizens and companies should be able to apply for digital government services easily, quickly, and securely. If desired they will only be required to provide the administration with necessary details once.
Source: BMI
To implement the modernisation of registers and the evidence transfer on the basis of the once-only principle, in summer 2021 the IT Planning Council set up an overall steering structure for the modernisation process. This project is headed, and the implementation carried out, by
- The Federation, through the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, and
- Baden-Württemberg,
- Bavaria,
- Hamburg, and
- North Rhine-Westphalia.
Source: BMI
Timeline for implementing the modernisation of registers
The federal-state overall steering structure of register modernization has set itself a work program which is divided into three phases.
The focus for Phase 1 was on preparing the implementation and testing key technical components (proof of concept) as well as the entry into force of the Act on the introduction and use of an identification number in the public administration (Identifikationsnummerngesetz, IDNrG). Furthermore, the Data Protection cockpit introduced for citizens to track the use of their data is to be tested in a pilot.
The focus of the currently ongoing Phase 2 will be on the national once-only technical system (NOOTS) and with the roll-out of the identity data retrieval procedure (IDA-Verfahren). It is planned to define the legal framework for the NOOTS in order to start with the second expansion stage. With the start of the IDA roll-out, the first registers will be provided with the identification number. The first pilot project began in Q3 / 2023 with the roll-out in the National Weapons Register.
The goal for Phase 3, is to begin operations of the NOOTS and to connect priority registers:
- The technical architecture for implementing the once-only principle is in place in Germany.
- Relevant registers support the established standards.
- The legal basis has been clarified and, where necessary, defined more closely.
- Governance ensures secure operation.
Source: BMI